


Stay-At-Home…We Do!

Happy Hour in our driveway with wonderful neighbors Drew & Cathy! April, and it is still cold and gray in our State of Washington….hence, the down jackets and neck-scarfs. Sigh.

Happy Hour in our driveway with wonderful neighbors Drew & Cathy! April, and it is still cold and gray in our State of Washington….hence, the down jackets and neck-scarfs. Sigh.


TIMING IS EVERYTHING…my work was accepted into the premier Online Gallery: UGallery

The UGallery Team! Leah, Alex, and Samantha…

The UGallery Team! Leah, Alex, and Samantha…

UGallery: …”Browsing our online gallery is meant to feel like a leisurely afternoon visiting local galleries – from the comfort of your home. We believe that good art brings people together, elevates living spaces, and transforms lives. Founded by Gallery Director Alex Farkas in 2006, UGallery has developed a loyal following of art collectors, artists, and interior designers in all 50 states and over 50 countries.

Here is my Susan Walker Page:

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Note my first sale happened within a week of going online!

Susan Walker